The Legend of Aang Fantasy Film-state, based on the famous TV series broadcast in the United Nickelodeon, Avatar, The Last Airbender has its release date to July 1, 2010 in Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, the creator of such films as The Sixth Sense, The Happening, Signs, The Village and others, this is a live-action film adapted from the name of the first season of the television series the same. Distributed by Paramount Pictures, the film's 103 minutesalong with great visual effects and scenes of martial arts.
Young wrestler Noah played the role of Aang, the Avatar of the film. His unconventional looks has gone well with his character. Bella Nicola Peltz plays the role of Qatar, a girl of 14 who was one of the most important safety element Aang in his adventurous journey and the last water bender. Her warrior brother Sokka role 15 years was carried out properly by the beautiful Jackson Rathbone.Dev Patel, when foreign to Hollywood, but received a very good film mixed in with the Asian flu. His performance as a sixteen Fire Nation Zoko price was excellent. Besides the four main characters, other actors played their roles with the same emphasis and importance.
Story Line:
Plot of the film show on TV is fascinating and absorbing a lot of attention. The producers have followed the review of the show closely. It isto save the Avatar and his lonely battle with the Kingdom of the team focus the world. The four nations, namely, water, earth, fire and air called all in danger because of brutal price war upset the Fire Nation for life. Avatar Aang's character is a versatile, able to power up all the elements of nature. He fights again for survival of himself and of his kingdom. The film is Airbender, based on the opening season of Avatar, the last one.
The Legend of Aang showcases stunning visual effects. Director of photography Andrew Lesnie film has done a remarkable job in. The movie has made millions with a budget of about $ 280 spectators, is a great feast for the eyes. As a film in 3D, the entire conversion cost only about $ 10,000,000. Filming began in Greenland in March 2009. The creation of fire, water, air effects and other creatures in 3D was fantastic.
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